This title relates to the plot as Jay betrays his friend Ashton. However, Jay feels betrayed by Ashton as he thinks that he helped his sister, Lily, commit suicide. Lily may have also been betrayed by Jay, as he wasn't there for her when she needed him most. Instead, he took out all of his anger on her.
Vengeance is a synonym for revenge. This relates to the plot as Jay wants vengeance on Ashton for helping his sister to kill herself, which Ashton denies.
Life For A Life
This title relates to the plot as at the end, it is revealed that either Jay or Ashton has been killed, but the audience are left to guess who was killed. As Lily's life was taken, another life will have to pay the price as either Jay or Ashton was part of the cause of her death. The audience just don't know who is telling the truth. I got this idea from the phrase 'An eye for an eye'. I thought that this was significant as in the story, a life is lost because one life was previously taken.
If I did some audience research into my ideas for film titles, buy asking people from different ages so that I could get a range of different thoughts and opinions. For this, I have asked some people to fill out a survey which I have specifically created to target areas which would help me to find out various people's views and opinions on the titles. I have also asked some 17 - 18 year olds the same questions but as a focus group.
From my research findings, I discovered that the film titles Betrayed and Vengeance were the most popular.
Whilst Vengeance proved the most eye catching title out of the three, Betrayed proved to suit the plot of the film more.
When I asked the question, 'Would a film with one of these titles I have come up with, make you want to watch it?'. From this answer, I got 100% response of 'yes'. This has proved to be really effective as it means that the title choices I have come up for my film are interesting and leaves the audience curious to find out more about the film.
I also discovered that a one word film title proved to be the most effective as the majority of the people said that a one word title would be more effective for my film as it would be eye catching and easy to remember.
Survey Results
Here is a sample of some of the survey results I received. For the sample, I picked different age ranges to demonstrate the different views of each age.
Anne Mandy - 72
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