Sunday, 9 November 2014

Betrayed - Script

By Lucy Dare


Ashton Smith:      Joe Nourse

Jay Collins:       James Easey

Man 1:             Callum Rulton

Man 2:             Ivan Fellows

Lily Collins:      Saskia Dare

Scene 1

Set in modern day Britain during the autumn season. Two friends walk into the forest to lay some flowers down for a girl who has committed suicide.

There will be flashes of words from a newspaper report showing the suicide of Lily Collins.

There will also be shots of the two friends walking into the forest.

Jay:      [Lies down cross] Lily, you were the best sister I… [Cries and walks off]

Ashton:   [Lays down flowers] I can’t believe you’re gone… Jay he’s really struggling…

A loud scream from Jay is heard. Ashton is suddenly alert.

Ashton:   [Standing up] Jay? [Suddenly runs in the direction from where he heard the scream.]

Ashton suddenly sees Jay laying on the floor unconscious with

two men standing above him.

Ashton:   Jay![To the men] What…[Ashton begins to back away as the two men begin to quickly approach him]What have you done to him?

[Before Ashton can escape, the two men grab him.]

Ashton:   No! Get off me! Help!   

[One of the men holds him whilst the other punches Ashton around the head knocking him semi-conscious.]

[Ashton is now on the ground facing upwards. He slowly turns his head to the side. As he does this, he can see three figures standing there, but before he can do anything, he falls into unconsciousness]

[Sounds of a person being dragged, mumbling voices, a car boot slamming and a moving car can be heard. Nothing can be seen on screen]

Scene 2

The location has changed to a run-down disused warehouse. It is later on that same day.

Ashton awakes to find himself in this place. His hands are tied behind his back and he is on the floor. He tries to free himself but cannot. Suddenly, he sees a dark figure standing over him.

Ashton:   Where… where am I? Where’s Jay? What have you done with him? [Silence] Hey! I’m talking to you!

[The dark figure crouches down beside Ashton. The figure is

then revealed to be Jay]

Ashton:   [Sighs with relief] Jay! Oh my god are you alright? Those men took me and you! Quick, let get out of here before they come.

[Jay blankly stares ahead]

Ashton:   [With urgency in voice] Jay come on! Untie my hands, we need to get away now!

[Jay slowly turns to look Ashton in the eye. He has a

threatening look on his face which makes Ashton feel uneasy]

Ashton:   [Worried] Jay, what’s going on, stop messing around!

[Jay punches Ashton around the head]

Ashton:   Agh! What are you doing?     [Confused]

Jay:      [In a threatening tone] Think about it, you’ll understand.

Ashton:   Jay, whatever you’re doing [Shouting] just stop! You’re scaring me!

Jay:      [Chuckles] You think this is all a big joke, don’t you.

Ashton:   [Confused] What?

Jay:      [Angry] Revenge, I want revenge on you for helping Lily to kill herself and I hate you for it, [Shouting] I HATE YOU!

[In anger, Jay continuously kicks Ashton in the stomach]

Ashton:   Agh! Stop, please Jay, please…

[Jay stops kicking Ashton and walks over to the wall in an

attempt to calm down. Ashton is whimpering silently trying to

come to terms with what has just happened. Suddenly, Jay paces

over to Ashton and grabs his hair tightly]

Ashton:   Agh! Get off!

Jay:      [Pulling out a gun. Ashton freezes with fear] Why did you do it? Huh? [Raising his voice] Go on then!

Ashton:   [Says in an antagonising way] She really struggled after your parents died and you didn’t make it easy for her when you took your anger out on her. She came to me to get away from you, but I guess that she was just too depressed to carry on with her life.

[As Ashton talks, Jay’s rage begins to build]

Jay:      [Let’s go of Ashton’s hair] You’re lying [Shouts] you’re lying. You’re nothing but a cold blooded liar and my sisters dead now and… [Focuses back on Ashton and pushes the gun to his head] You know, I could shoot you right now!

Ashton:   [Fearful and whispering slightly] Please don’t Jay… Jay please, please… [Shuts his eyes tight but is still pleading].

Jay:      Aghh! [Drops the gun and throws himself to the ground crying]

[When Jay gets up, he has a plain sorry look on his face. He

Gets up, pulls Ashton to his feet and unties his hands]

Jay:      [Avoiding eye contact] Go…

[Ashton just stands there in silence looking at Jay]

Jay:      [Shouts] Just go!

Ashton:   No Jay. No I’m not leaving you like this…

Jay:      [Grabs hold of Ashton and pushes him out of the building] Go…

[Ashton listens to Jay and begins to slowly walk away with his

back to the building and holding his arm on his bruised ribs.

A sudden shot is heard which halts Ashton walking leaving a

pained look on his face. At this point we don’t know if Jay

shot Ashton or if Jay shot himself.

Fade out, credits.

 The End

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