Thursday, 13 November 2014

AT1: Ideas for my Film Review Page

I am going to set my film review page on a two page spread.
The left hand page will include;
  • Film title in a big, bold font so it stands out saying 'Betrayed'.

  • Age rating certificate in small next to the film title, '12'

  • A brief tagline directly underneath the film title saying 'Everything's not all as it seems.' or 'If you go down to the woods today...'.

  • Star rating of the film

  • Page number on the corner of the magazine and the magazine name 'FilmBiz'.

  • Details of director, actors, running time and the film company.

  • Brief plot summary of the film without giving away any spoilers about the film.

The author's name at the bottom of the article.

The right hand page will include;
  • A large photograph from the film of the two main characters Jay and Ashton.

  • How good the film is i.e. 'Film of the month'.

  • Magazine page number in the bottom right hand corner and the film magazine name 'FilmBiz'.

  • Date and edition of the magazine in the top right hand corner.

Colours and themes;
I think that when creating a film review page, it is important to consider the colours and themes which you are going to use. You need to do this so that you can assure that your review page looks professional. If you used lots of different colours and lots of different contrasting fonts, then it would make the page look cheap and look as though the layout hadn't been thought out at all.

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