Sunday 28 December 2014


Newspaper Report
This is news report will feature at the beginning of the film. Parts of it will appear in flashes which will hint to the audience bits about the plot of the film before any dialogue has been spoken meaning Lily's death.

This is the cross which Ashton will lay down for Lily in her favourite place in the forest.

Photograph of Lily
This is a photo of Lily. Jay lays this photo down in remembrance of his younger sister.

Ashton lays some flowers down for Lily. He also lays something down for Lily as he knew her well to.

This is the gun which will be used in the film. It is a key prop as it determines the fate of both Jay and Ashton at the end of the film. The gun is not real for obvious reasons.

What Jay uses to tie up Ashton to make sure that he doesn't try to escape.  

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