Thursday, 11 December 2014

AT2: Self-evaluation - Poster


The title of my 5 minute film is 'Betrayed' and it is a drama film. My main target audience was for teenagers, young adults and some adults. These are the groups of people who I thought my film would appeal to the most. Also, as my main characters are at the  teenage/young adult age, it gives the target audience something to connect with.

I needed to assure that not only the film meets the target audience's needs but also so that my film poster meets their needs because otherwise, when they look at the poster, they may get the wrong impression about the film and may be reluctant not to watch it as they may think that it's not aimed at their age. To assure that I targeted the correct target audience I made sure that my poster looked serious and grown up. I tried to portray this by making sure that the two characters had a serious look on their face staring straight out to the audience. 

I wanted to show this and at the same time hint ideas about the film in the poster. For instance, the title already begins to hint at what the film is about, which is betrayal. The sub-heading 'Who would you trust?' already begins to make the audience think about the theme of trust with the two main characters, Jay and Ashton who are shown on the poster. This subheading hints at the fact that only one of the two boys can be trusted, but you don't know who.

I am most pleased with the photograph on my film poster. This is because I like the way the light falls onto the characters. There is slightly more light which falls onto Ashton which hints at the the innocence of his character as he falls into Jay's trap whilst Jay has more of a slight shade over him which suggests that he has darker characteristics.

To make my poster look more professional, I think that I would try to enhance the photograph more so that it looks more clear and crisper. I would also make the the age guidance '12' slightly smaller so it doesn't stand out that much.

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